Today I have started JSF 2.0 after a long time I got some time to do something related to code.It seems JSF simpler if you know Struts 2.0 or Spring3.x .But JSF is more easier then Struts/Spring I would like to say.
Navigation in JSF is very impressive and very useful for security of your website as it does not show loaded/clicked action in URL.
I would be able to share my learning might be in some different part,Today I will going to give some introduction part on JSF ,also would like to share why we should go for JSF if we are having another framework like Struts and Spring etc.
Server Faces (JSF) is result of a quest for …
dynamic web user interface in easy, efficient and maintainable way
web applications based on well-designed architecture to make it most
in its version 2.0 ,it is indeed a standard way of building java based web
I would like to define JSF in terms of below given bullet points-JSF (Java Server Faces)is
•Is a
Java EE Web application development framework
web application development, using existing markup and servlet technologies as
its foundation
component-based UI
framework that uses MVC2 design approach
Why Should we go for JSF can we define in terms of what JSF is offering us-
easily assemble Web application user interfaces
for specialized behavior
libraries that enable operations on UI, by attaching
(including Bean Validations)
conversion for input values
resource bundles
this for most simple to most complex container components
Java Bean model way of interacting with application data as managed beans
Faces Request Processing Life Cycle
input standard/custom data-conversion/validation
server-side application data
i18n of applications
API that allows pluggable rendering technology
HTML : A browser makes a request
•WML :
PDA/ WAP-enabled browser makes a request
HTML : To serve content to an iPhone
Expression Language (JSP EL + JSF EL)
Faceless/Advanced tinplating
support for Ajax
more features ….
Like other web framework present in market today JSF 2 also follows MVC-2 architecture
- Model- Managed Bean (i.e. UserBean pure POJO)
- View- Faceless (XHTML)
- Controller- Faces Servlet
![]() |
MVC 2 |
A very short example for a typical JSF-view would be the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>Insert title here</title>
<h:form id="mainForm">
<h:outputLabel for="enterName" value="Enter Name"/>
<h:inputText id="enterName" value="#{}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Say Hello" action="#{sayHelloPage.sayHello}"/>
Note: To use <h:xx> and <f:xx> tags in code we are using additional xmlns(xml name space) given below-
For HTML tag in JSF - xmlns:h=""
For JSF Core tag in JSF - xmlns:f=""
To be Continued....
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